Fr Bouck teaching a 天主教的研究 class.
  • 项目类型
    主要的, 小
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    B.A., B.S.
  • 学校
    艺术学院 & 科学

Deepen your knowledge of the 天主教 faith and of yourself through the study of multiple disciplines.


Strengthen your personal formation — and enhance your understanding of the 天主教 tradition — by earning a 天主教研究文学硕士 online or in person.


Our students explore the interaction of faith and reason within multiple disciplines — exploring the interplay between 天主教ism and culture, and experience how 天主教 faith can enliven every facet of your life. We designed our 程序 to be a double major and to build a close-knit community of faculty and students across multiple academic and pre-professional programs.


天主教 studies at Mary is much more than a rigorous academic 程序. You’ll interact with faculty and students in and out of the classroom and experience a full range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The year begins with a 天主教 studies immersion experience for our new students, providing an introduction to the 程序 within the natural beauty and culture of western North Dakota.


Over four semesters in the 天主教的研究 Tutorial, you’ll meet weekly in small groups of no more than ten students to integrate 天主教 studies into your broader academic and personal life. Central to 天主教 studies life outside the classroom is our regular Convivium Mass and Dinner, as well as events by the fire at the 天主教的研究 House near campus.


You can earn your 天主教 studies bachelor’s in 2.6 years or complete your bachelor’s and a 天主教研究文学硕士 in four years through Mary’s innovative 全年校园 程序. 


在立博中文版 罗马的校园, you can live and study abroad while learning about Christian, 天主教, 和本笃会的遗产. We particularly encourage sophomores and students in the 天主教 studies 程序 to participate in this opportunity. Qualified students can spend either a semester or five weeks of coursework and educational travel in Italy and other countries as well.


In this innovative partnership between the University of Mary and Arizona State University (ASU), you can study for a semester at ASU, while enrolling in 天主教 studies courses taught by University of Mary faculty on the ASU campus.

亚利桑那州立大学立博中文版学院 is an opportunity for Mary students with a missionary heart to take the 天主教 life out into the world.


Please visit our catalog for admission requirements and a full list of our courses.

职业生涯 & 结果


Because the 天主教 studies major is intentionally designed as a double major, the 程序 prepares graduates to enter a wide variety of career paths — enriched by their understanding of the Church’s contributions to human thought. From religious vocations to business to law to medicine, 天主教 studies alumni are guided by Benedictine values and are servant leaders in their professions and their communities. 


  • 律师
  • 企业家
  • 教育家
  • 非营利组织负责人
  • 工程师
  • 牧师或宗教人士
  • 青年部主任

My experience in 天主教 studies is one that has blessed me immeasurably. I learned how receiving the inheritance of the 天主教 intellectual tradition integrates the truth of faith with the truth of reason — it enlightens not just the academic mind, 而是作为一个整体的生活. 天主教 studies taught me to love truth and to let it lead me to greatness.


Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of 天主教的研究 Dr. Scott Cleveland and students share what it’s like to study 天主教 studies at Mary.


W. 斯科特·克利夫兰博士

Associate Professor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of 天主教的研究

我是一个哲学家, 老师, and part of the interdisciplinary community of faculty and students that is 天主教的研究. My scholarly work focuses on virtue, 情感, 幸福, 宗教哲学, 哲学神学. Prior to my time at University of Mary, I conducted postdoctoral research at Saint Louis University on the virtue of intellectual humility. 我喜欢跑步。, 山地自行车, 阅读文学作品, 和我的妻子在一起, 谁也是哲学家, 在形而上学中工作, 还有我女儿和两个儿子, who we hope will come to see the inseparability of ethics and metaphysics.


Mark Heffley博士

Assistant Professor of Theology, Assistant Professor of 天主教的研究

唐纳德J. Bungum博士

Director of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of 天主教的研究

Take Your Next Step in 天主教的研究